Sunday, September 23, 2012

You would think you would get a lot done

Michelle and I were talking, and seeing that we are spending at least 23 hours in a room the size of a cruise ship cabin and the fact that Kate sleeps 99% of the time, you would think we would be doing things to pass the time.  Maybe some work, read, watch a movie....In reality we don't seem to do much at all - not that it is boring we just aren't doing anything.....Actually kind of nice. 

During the first baby you are nervous that you know nothing so you read books, subscribe to daily website information feeds, attend "breast feeding for couples" etc.  The second time around you do nothing to prepare...and it shows.  As you can understand there are, say, anatomical differences between a boy and a girl.   With that in mind there are differences in how you care for them.  While I was changing Kate the nurse came up behind me and said "You haven't been shown how to do this have you?"...Nope......

Trey got to meet Kate yesterday - he is going to be a great big brother.  He said he is going to show her how to play trains, swim, and drive a trash truck.  He is taking to the new baby very well! 

Trey calls her "Carrot Kate"

Finally confirmed that her eyes can be opened again

Brooke and Lumpy got married on Saturday - we couldn't make it so we celebrated in the room

Call me Maybe!

1 comment:

  1. So adorable. I love Carrot Kate! I do have one question- I see her tie, but where is Kate's mustache?
